2021: Not So New Year
But 2020 A year of Perseverance

Hey, finally 2020 is coming to end in less than 24 hours! It’s the Eve of 2021 and I believed for me, my families, and friends, this year has been very rough, and shitholes to all of us.
Before I started making this story about me, let us recap what happened to world in Jan, everyone been tagging each others, wishing love and pray for a new decades of Earth. Then, almost everyday, we listen and read to destructions of the world by the hand of mankind. Crisis between North Korea — US, Iran — US, and February the Langkah Sheraton (where some celebrate the return of Super-Muslim in government) whilst some celebrate it due to their corruptions might get a pass.
Then, the whole world got attacked with an infectious disease where it started — because of hygienic and man behavior too — from China all the way infecting the whole world. The first six months is the worst, lot of business forced to wind up, lot of workers getting laid off (remember Amazon?), lot of people committed suicide (due to bankrupt/divorce/breakup/abused/victims of Covid19), and many heartbreaking incidents (oh yeah, remember an uncle somewhere in Perak passed away due to starvation — yeah it’s not Yemen, but here under our fucking nose).
Starting on the March, the numbers of Covid19 patients strikes to almost thousands and Malaysian Govt decided to implement a Movement Control Order for Three Months (then rebrand to CMCO/EMCO/TEMCO etc), where — being a very strict lockdown and helps flatten the curve — but, also kicked the vulnerable up to their asses too. Hundreds of people died due to disease (Malaysian love blame games — and I wonder what we really think of the deceased, some sort of numbers that you wouldnt be able to express some symphaty and empathy? Come on, the deceased also human, their families lost them — more likely worst than us who only lost our freedom). My heart and prayers are always with them, and I pray forbearances for the families affected.
In the six-month period, a lot of people had lost their jobs — the numbers getting higher day by day — almost hit 2 Millions top! (Just looking at how many Grab and Panda drivers/bikers lah — Losing a job, doesnt really meant you just lost only a job — we may lose our loved ones, our families, our sanity, our properties and many more — idk who says money can’t buy happiness, I really need to slap some consciences into your brain LOL.
Don’t get me started with politics, they say, we cared for you, we loved you, we hear you! But what they did always contradict to the people interest, mostly serve their lust and greed. So screw them, and let’s not bother talking about them, please cast your vote for someone else!
This is about me, 2020, I (as well as a lot of my uni-mate) finished our study and looking to place a job, lucky me (sometimes fuck me too lol) landed a job with an international school for 7 months from Jan — pre and post MCO — which I wouldnt lie — it’s horrible experiences, for not only my mental health, also to whatever that I hold on too — I dont have anyone to share my problems because EVERYONE is struggling to make end meets (which I dont blame them, as I was there, the struggle’s really really real) — no need for me to recap my horrible experiences, but just know that I’m happy I walked away, and wouldn’t regret at all (yeah, sometimes during my 3-months unemployed, I regretted it HAHAHAAH) but life goes on, you just have to move on real quick so that you wouldnt die because you’re freaking poor. Idk how do I stay sane during the three month, I owe it a lot to my friends (ykwhoyouare) for being there for me — for the dramas and series that I watched — for the Taman Danau (jogging series to let me out my anger/sorting thoughts/breathes) super thanks to DBKL for the parks tho hahaha. I cried at nights, day time, and mostly in my room looking up the ceiling or the sky (asking why my decision hasnt made me at least better-off? Why God always has His own way to say things? How am I supposed to know what’s God planning on me?). I did a lot of gigs (say lah gigs, idk how to categorise it) — joined political discourse, get to know lots of shining and breathtaking youth leaders, becoming insurance agents (this also has story behind it, but nvm, let it be for myself lol). Currently, thank god, and thank you to my bosses as well as my little family for the encouragement to shift my well-verse field (Admin I guess) into a new path which is in a Law Firm. Happy now, but wouldnt forget the past few months! Experiences is the best teacher — they say — yeah might be true, but I wouldnt recommend watching inspirational videos during the time you lost, you’ll just keep losing cuz you didn’t start something — watching videos takes time and requires you to stop thinking. That’s really bad for your motivation. Just always remember, something is getting in your way, you should be thinking of other ways instead of insist on using that Klang potholes road.
Enough maybe? I hope I had the courage to write more, but I think something is better to be talk face to face — and I would love to hear others too — not really widened my knowledge but to let others expressed theirs as well because I always believe that one’s struggle is worth of share.
Let’s stay safe, be part of the new norms!
Again, my prayers and thoughts with those passed away patients of Covid19 and the current infected ones, their families, those who losses their jobs, looking for a job, still in toxic working environment. May we be blessed and we have the courage to do things differently.
God bless!
Happy 2021, stay strong!